The Trashion Show is an inventive, student-driven fashion event organized by the Net Zero Club to champion sustainability through upcycled designs. Participants gathered discarded materials from local streets, homes, and classrooms, transforming them into unique, wearable art pieces. This event redefines perceptions of waste and fashion, showcasing the impact of creative reuse and sustainable innovation.
January 25, 2024
Korea International School, Jeju Campus
Upcycled Pieces:
Over 1,000 discarded materials transformed into unique designs
Featured Designs:
Student-designed outfits crafted from street-collected banners, broken umbrellas, and other discarded items
Fashion Themes:
Sustainability, innovation, and creative upcycling
Community Engagement:
Elementary and high school students, along with teachers, modeling designs across different age levels
Raised awareness about the environmental consequences of fast fashion through engaging presentations and live storytelling